Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Sprint

If you've been following my trip, you may be wondering when it will ever end. Well, the answer is soon. I'm running out of money. I'm going to try to arrive in Tacoma within about 6 weeks. That means I will be traveling northward at an ultra fast pace. I won't plan on spending more than about 2 days in any one place, with the exception of Managua. I hope to make it from here (Lima) to Tacoma entirely on land. It's possible I will have to fly some, but I really want to try and avoid that, if at all possible. So, faithful readers, hang on to your hats.


Anonymous said...

dude hike the PCT back...

Jay Philip Williams said...

I don't know who you are, but you're CRAZY!

Actually, it sounds like fun! I just don't have the time!!! :(