I left Iguazu Falls this morning and took a bus to Posadas, just south of the southern tip of Paraguay. It cost 37 pesos (about $12) and took 6 hours. They leave every half hour. It stopped frequently and passed through all kinds of poor and interesting areas—probably towns that are on few (if any) maps.
After arriving, I had a taxi take me to Vuela el Pez hostel. In reality, it was more complicated than that. There is some problem with their address as listed on the Internet. Apparently, it's the only hostel in Posadas, and I figured I'd go cheap—i.e., the hostel. As one of the reviews online said, you really need to get directions to the place, or you probably won't find it. My recommendation? Instead of spending your money on a taxi (I got overcharged by my taxista according to the hotel manager—make sure to look at the meter before paying), just walk two blocks from the bus station to SC Hotel—unless you're planning on staying here a while and need to pinch pennies. It's 60 pesos a head and the rooms are sweet. There isn't Internet, so just walk to the YPF gas station a couple blocks away to use a computer.
There's a monster supermarket just 3 blocks away—one of the biggest ones I've seen on my trip (think Fred Meyer Superstore). I walked there to buy some grub for dinner. I felt like Mr. Burns after he had fired Smithers and had to go shopping for himself for the first time in his life. "Ketchup? Catsup? Ketchup? Catsup? Ketchup? Catsup?" I walked around for a couple minutes, got brain overload, then decided to just find a restaurant. The bus station and supermarket are right next to each other. As you exit the supermarket, turn to your left, walk one block, then cross the street. There's a parrilla there—that's a meat restaurant. I got the fixed size meat platter—4 kinds of meat—for 12 pesos ($4—all you can eat meat platter is 20 pesos, or just under $7), mixed salad ($1), and a Coke ($1). A perfect dinner for a great price. If you're in town, go there! I ended up eating there a few more times while in Posadas.
Onward and upward.
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