Monday, April 21, 2008

I'm in National Geographic!!!

Well, not quite. Pick up the May/June 2008 issue of National Geographic Traveler magazine to see my picture of Cristo Redentor in Rio de Janeiro being struck by lightning. This is the first time I've been published, so I'm pretty happy. I'm getting paid enough to cover about a week's worth of travel—not quite the cover of National Geographic, but maybe someday!


Unknown said...

Great News! Congratulations!
It IS an amazing shot.

Abhijeeet Thacker said...

Awesome, Congratulations, way to go Jay.....

North Georgia Gal said...

Congratulations - well deserved!

Safe Travels,
Morgan said...

Oh yeah!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, you deserve it for that shot! BTW your stuff is "safe" here in WA.


Cheryl Mingo said...

I told you you should write and shoot for a travel magazine...maybe you can get some more published along the way :)

Anonymous said...

I knew I but had to wait to return your compliment back to you.

Congratulations on your National Geographic Image!!

(I can't resist)

Jay, your camera takes really nice pictures.

(Minolta or Nikon!)

Unknown said...

nice picture, congratulations !

Rez Kiyn said...

Congratulations, Jay.

I have been wondering for the last 3 months, if National Graphic would accept it. Well done